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How to Make Skinny Jeans Skinnier?

Por JeansGingtto 22 Aug 2024

Skinny jeans are a wardrobe staple, loved for their sleek, form-fitting style.

But what if your favorite pair has started to feel a bit loose, or you're looking to make them even tighter?

Don’t fret. There are several methods you can use to make them skinnier and get the perfect fit.

Make Skinny Jeans Skinnier

Why Your Skinny Jeans Might Be Loose

It’s essential to understand why your skinny jeans might not be as tight as they once were.

Fabric Stretch

Most skinny jeans are made from a blend of denim and elastane or spandex. Over time, the elastic fibers can lose their stretch due to frequent wear and washing, causing the jeans to loosen.

Washing and Drying

Washing jeans in hot water and tumble drying them can lead to fabric shrinkage. If done excessively, it can result in a less snug fit.

Fit and Size

Sometimes, jeans may be bought a bit loose from the start. If they are not a perfect fit, they can feel baggier as time goes on.

Using the Sewing Method to Make Jeans Skinnier

One of the most effective ways to make your skinny jeans skinnier is by altering them with a sewing machine. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Try on Your Jeans

Start by putting on your jeans inside out. This will help you see where they are too loose and allow you to pin the areas that need taking in.

Step 2: Pin the Excess Fabric

Use sewing pins to mark the excess fabric along the inner seams of the jeans. Make sure the pins run evenly down the leg to maintain the jeans' natural taper.

Step 3: Sew the New Seams

Carefully remove the jeans and sew along the pinned lines. Use a strong thread that matches the color of your jeans. A straight stitch works best for this type of alteration.

Step 4: Trim the Excess Fabric

Once you’ve sewn the new seams, trim away the excess fabric, leaving about a quarter-inch seam allowance to prevent fraying.

Step 5: Try on Your Jeans Again

Finally, try on your jeans to ensure they fit as desired. If needed, make any additional adjustments.

Using Elastic Bands for a Quick Fix

If you’re not handy with a sewing machine or need a quick fix, you can use elastic bands to make your jeans skinnier, particularly around the waist or ankles.

Step 1: Create Slits

Use scissors to create small slits on the inside of the waistband or around the ankles of your jeans.

Step 2: Insert the Elastic Bands

Insert elastic bands into the slits and secure them with a safety pin or by sewing them in place.

Step 3: Adjust the Tightness

Adjust the elastic bands until your jeans fit snugly. This method works well for temporary fixes and doesn’t require any permanent alterations.

Shrinking Your Skinny Jeans

Another method to make your skinny jeans skinnier is by shrinking them. This method is especially effective if your jeans are made of cotton.

Step 1: Wash in Hot Water

Wash your jeans in the hottest water setting on your washing machine. The heat will cause the fabric to contract.

Step 2: Dry on High Heat

After washing, immediately put your jeans in the dryer on the highest heat setting. The combination of heat and motion will further shrink the fabric.

Step 3: Try Them On

Once the jeans are dry, try them on to see if they have reached the desired fit. If they’re still too loose, repeat the process.

Professional Tailoring Options

If DIY alterations aren’t your thing, or if you want a more professional finish, taking your jeans to a tailor is a great option.

A professional tailor can take in the seams and ensure that your jeans fit perfectly.

While this option may cost more, it guarantees a polished look that’s hard to achieve at home.

When to Consider Buying a New Pair

If you’ve tried everything and your jeans still aren’t fitting right, it might be time to consider buying a new pair.

Look for jeans with a higher percentage of elastane (spandex) for a snugger fit.


Making your skinny jeans skinnier is a simple process that can breathe new life into your favorite pair of jeans

With these tips, your skinny jeans will fit like a glove, enhancing your style and confidence.

And if all else fails, it might be time to consider buying a new pair of jeans.

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